Analyst – Israel
Dr. Nancy Kobrin began her academic career after receiving a doctorate in comparative literature, with a focus on the Islamic literature of medieval Spain. A graduate analyst of the Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis and a PTSD trauma expert, she taught and supervised psychiatry residents in Minneapolis, where she had a private practice. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, she was contacted by the U.S. Army concerning her work on the link between the devalued female and the jihadi suicide attack and was invited by the military and law enforcement to lecture on radical Islam and conduct prison interviews among the Somalis in Minnesota. She is also a graduate of the Human Terrain Program, Leavenworth, Kansas, which is affiliated with the U.S. Army. In 2010, Dr. Kobrin, an internationally renowned counterterrorism expert ― emigrated from the Twin Cities to Israel, where she continues her work. She is a fellow of the American Center for Democracy. Dr. Kobrin holds an academic appointment as an external expert at La Universidad de Granada concerning Jihadis’. She has authored The Banality of Suicide Terrorism (also in Hebrew), Penetrating the Terrorist Psyche, The Maternal Drama of the Chechen Jihadi, The Jihadi Dictionary and The Last Two Jews of Mogadishu Living under Al Shabaab’s Fire. She is currently completing her sixth book with her colleague Dr. Norman Simms, Children who Kill Children: Before and Beyond Brainwashing – Festivals of Blood and Phantasmagoria of Terror. She also has authored The Jihadi Dictionary: Essential Intel Tool for Military, Law Enforcement, Government and the Concerned Public.