Analyst– Italy
Francesco Bergoglio Errico is a Senior Research analyst at International Counterterrorism Youth Network (ICTYN), Venice (Italy) and also a member of the European Expert Network on Terrorism Issues, EENeT. Mr Errico has done his master in Geopolitical and Global Security 110 and praise and an advance course in Terrorism and Radicalization. Mr Errico is also a Lecturer of Anthropology and Jihadist radicalization. Training courses for the armed forces. He delivered training programs on Jihadism. He is an External Relations Officer and Analyst of Emerging Challenges and Africa at NATO Defence College Foundation, Rome (Italy). He just completed his Postgraduate Thesis: The Process of Jihadist Radicalisation, from definition to the narrative (published by CRST) (ITA). He knows three languages: Italian, Spanish and English.